How to Capture Candid Shots Without Being Intrusive: A Photographer’s Guide
— PhotographyHow to Capture Candid Shots Without Being Intrusive: A Photographer’s GuideEvent photography is one of the most dynamic and rewarding fields, especially when it comes to capturing the authenticity and emotion of a moment. Whether you’re working at a...
Southwest England camping trip: 8-Day Itinerary, fully mapped -2
— Travel BlogSOUTHWEST ENGLAND CAMPING TRIP:8-DAY ITINERARY FULLY MAPPEDEngland is filled with pretty country lanes which are made for a perfect road trip. In this blog we share our itinerary around the south west coast with beautiful views, such as castles, villages,...
7 Tips and Tricks for Photographing Children
The beauty of shooting children is capturing them in their most natural form, the way they are, and the best shots are often impromptu. I mean, very, FAST ! Kids, especially who are five or under, pretty much dictate how the photography sessions will unfold. We will share 7 tips that will hopefully help you when photographing children.